A broken bone is called a fracture. It can range from a thin crack to complete breakage. Usually, fracture happens when a very high force and pressure is applied to the bone, such that it cannot handle. In this article we’ll discuss types of bone fractures, its causes, symptoms and finally its treatment.
- Types of bone fractures
- Causes of bone fracture
- Symptoms of bone fracture
- Treatment of bone fracture
- Can we prevent it?

Types of Bone Fractures
Closed and open fractures: Also called a simple fracture, a closed fracture does not cause the broken bone to break the skin. Whereas in case on open fractures (also called compound fracture), the broken bone tears the skin as well. A compound fracture can lead to higher chances of infections in comparison with simple fracture as the internal tissue and skin are overly exposed in the former.
Complete and Incomplete fractures: In case of complete fractures, the bone breaks completely into two or more pieces. Following are the types of a complete fracture:
Single and Comminuted fracture:
A single fracture is a fracture in which the bone is broken into one or two pieces, whereas a comminuted fracture is a fracture in which the bone in broken into three or more pieces. -
Displaced and Non-Displaced fracture: When the broken bone moves from its normal alignment, it is called a displaced fracture, and when the broken bone stays in the place of its normal alignment, it is called a non-displaced fracture.
Compression fracture: Compression fracture is a type of fracture in which the bone collapses because of a very high pressure.
Segmented fracture: Segmented fractures happen when a bone is broken at two places, leading to at least on piece floating and unattached.
In case of an incomplete fracture, the bone has just a crack and it does not break completely. Some of the incomplete fractures are as follows:
Hairline fracture: When a bone is broken with a very thin crack, it is known as a hairline fracture.
Greenstick fracture: In greenstick fracture, the bone slightly fractures from one side but does not break completely because the other side of the bone can bend. This type of a fracture usually happens among children because their bones are soft and delicate.
Causes of Bone Fractures
- A bad fall or a road accident
- Field sports
- Osteoporosis
- Old age leading to weaker bones

Symptoms of Bone Fracture
Although the symptoms of fracture vary according to the type of fracture, age of the concerned person, their health, etc. but there are certain common symptoms that can be witnessed in people affected by a bone fracture:
- Pain
- Bruising
- Change in color of the skin near the fractured bone
- Swelling
- Immobility of the fractured area
- Bleeding in case of an open fracture
- Sickness and nausea in case of fracture in a large bone such a femur
Treatment of Bone Fracture
Initially, a person can start with stabilization and immobilization to treat the fracture. After that the technique of RICE can help the patient relieve a little pain. RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Often the pain associated with a fracture is due to spasm of the muscles surrounding the fractured bone to prevent any sort of movement. Splinting may help relieve some of that pain. It is however advised to sort a doctor’s help immediately because any mistake can worsen the fracture. To find the best bone specialist in Chandigarh, click here- https://healinghospital.co.in/orthopedic/
In your treatment at the hospital, the doctor will try to put the broken bone pieces back into their position and stabilize them. New bone will form around the broken bone at the time of healing. Surgery may be required in very complex fractures.
Can we prevent it?
Most fractures cannot be prevented as they happen by accident. But we can work towards making our bones strong so that they are less prone to fractures. To build strong bones, you should take a nutritious diet with adequate amount of calcium and Vitamin D. You should also exercise. Strength training in particular helps in making the bones strong. Fixing an appointment with your doctor can help determine your diet and exercises that you should perform depending on your health. Searching for a bone specialist in Chandigarh tricity? Find the best bone specialist doctor here- https://healinghospital.co.in/orthopedic/