Our Blogs


best hip replacement surgeon in Chandigarh

Recovering from Hip Replacement Surgery: Tips from the Best Hip Replacement Surgeon in Chandigarh

Hip replacement surgery is a major procedure that can significantly improve the quality of life for those suffering from chronic hip pain or mobility issues. While the surgery itself is crucial, the recovery process plays an equally important role in determining the overall success of the treatment. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore expert tips and insights from the best hip replacement surgeon in Chandigarh to help you navigate your recovery journey with confidence and

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Gallbladder stone Treatment In Chandigarh

Best Hospitals for Gallbladder Stone Treatment in Chandigarh

When it comes to gallbladder stone treatment, finding the right hospital is crucial for a successful recovery. Chandigarh, known for its excellent healthcare facilities, offers several top-notch hospitals specializing in this area. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the best hospitals for Gallbladder stone Treatment In Chandigarh, with a special focus on Healing Hospital Chandigarh. Understanding Gallbladder Stones Before diving into the hospital recommendations, let’s briefly understand what gallbladder stones are. Gallbladder stones,

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best breast augmentation surgeon in India

What to Look for in the Best Breast Augmentation Surgeons in India

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures worldwide, and India has emerged as a leading destination for medical tourism, including aesthetic surgeries. If you’re considering breast augmentation and are looking for the best breast augmentation surgeon in India, it’s crucial to understand what qualities and credentials to look for. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the process of finding a top-tier surgeon who can provide safe, effective, and aesthetically pleasing

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Pregnancy And Newborn

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is a condition that occurs in pregnant women when a hormone produced by the placenta inhibits the body from utilizing insulin effectively. Excess glucose starts building up in the blood instead of being used by the cells. The good news is that gestational diabetes symptoms go away after delivery.   To understand why gestational diabetes occurs, we need know the function of the placenta. A number of hormones are produced by

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best gynecology hospital in Mohali

Best Hospital for Gynecology Treatment near Mohali

COVID-19 has been a concern for everyone on this planet for the past year. But pregnant women need to be extra careful about it since they may be at a higher risk of contracting the virus. Healing Hospital is one of the best hospitals for gynecology treatment near Mohali. Here are a few tips by the best gynecology hospital in Mohali to boost your immune system in pregnancy so that you can beat COVID-19.  

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Hair fall during Pregnancy
Pregnancy and Newborn

Hair fall during Pregnancy- Explained by Best Gynecologist in Chandigarh

If you’re expecting a child and experiencing hair fall, you might be wondering if there’s a link. Hair fall during pregnancy might be caused by hormones, stress, or underlying health conditions. In this article, you will learn about hair fall during pregnancy and how to prevent and treat it. Causes of Hair fall during Pregnancy The natural cycle of hair follicle shedding is slowed by rising estrogen levels during pregnancy. As a result, some women may actually see

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Pediatrics & Neonatal Care

Pediatric orthopedic doctor in chandigarh
Pediatrics & Neonatal Care

Children’s Ortho Care: Navigating Chandigarh’s Top Pediatric Specialists

As a parent in Chandigarh, your primary concern is the health and well-being of your child. Navigating the field of children’s orthopaedic care, specifically regarding musculoskeletal concerns, can pose a challenge. Your objective is to secure the highest quality treatment for your child, delivered with expertise, empathy, and a child-friendly approach.  This entails a careful consideration of Pediatric orthopedic doctor in chandigarh who not only possess medical proficiency but also foster a compassionate and comfortable

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pediatric orthopedic doctor in Chandigarh
Pediatrics & Neonatal Care

Expert Pediatric Orthopedic Doctor in Chandigarh – Caring for Children’s Health

When it comes to the well-being and healthcare of your child, you naturally want the best. Children are our future, and ensuring their health is of utmost importance. One area that plays a vital role in this regard is pediatric orthopedics—a specialized field that focuses on the musculoskeletal health of children. If you happen to be in Chandigarh and are seeking the expertise of a pediatric orthopedic doctor in Chandigarh look no further than Healing

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Baby’s First Winter: How to Protect Newborns in Cold Weather? Healing Image 1
Pediatrics & Neonatal Care

Baby’s First Winter: How to Protect Newborns in Cold Weather?

Newborns are the perfect host for viruses and bacteria as the little ones have decreased immunity and are prone to falling ill repeatedly. The first winter is tough for babies because they lose heat from their bodies faster than adults. They also cannot shiver to increase the heat in their body and don’t have the requisite body fat to warm up once they feel cold. Due to all these reasons, it is important to protect

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Cardiac Sciences

Best Hospital for Angioplasty in Chandigarh
Cardiac Science

Comparing Excellence: Angioplasty Hospitals in Chandigarh Examined

In the bustling city of Chandigarh, the demand for high-quality healthcare services is ever-increasing, particularly for critical procedures like angioplasty. As cardiovascular diseases continue to be a leading health concern, selecting the best angioplasty hospital in Chandigarh becomes a vital decision for many patients. With several hospitals claiming top-notch services, it’s essential to have reliable information to make an informed choice. This blog post delves into the concept of excellence in healthcare and how it

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best cardiologist in Himachal
Cardiac Science

Innovators in Heart Care: Recognizing the Best Cardiologist in Himachal

In the intricate realm of cardiovascular health, where expertise and compassion intersect, a select few medical professionals have etched their names as beacons of excellence, guiding patients through the complexities of heart ailments with unwavering dedication and innovative approaches. Among these luminaries stands a remarkable individual whose impact on the field of cardiology in Himachal Pradesh has been nothing short of transformative – Dr. RP Singh, widely regarded as the best cardiologist in Himachal. A

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Best cardiologist in Chandigarh
Cardiac Science

Cardiovascular Health: Nurturing Your Heart for Longevity

As I sit here at Healing Hospital Chandigarh, reflecting on the importance of Best cardiologist in Chandigarh, I am reminded of how vital it is to take care of our hearts. The heart is not only a symbol of love and emotion, but it is also a vital organ responsible for pumping oxygenated blood throughout our bodies. Without a healthy heart, our overall well-being and longevity are at risk. In this article, I will delve

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Orthopedics & Joint Replacement

Best Knee Surgeon in Chandigarh
Orthopedics & Joint Replacement

Top-Rated Best Knee Surgeon in Chandigarh: Expert Care and Treatment

If you’re seeking top-notch knee care in Chandigarh, your search ends at Healing Hospital. Renowned for its exceptional medical services, Healing Hospital is home to the top-rated Best Knee Surgeon in Chandigarh, offering expert care and cutting-edge treatment options. Why Choose Healing Hospital for Knee Surgery? Healing Hospital Chandigarh stands out for several reasons: Highly Skilled Surgeons The team of knee surgeons at Healing Hospital is led by Dr. [Name], a renowned orthopaedic surgeon with

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Joint Replacement Treatment in chandigarh
Orthopedics & Joint Replacement

Why Choose Chandigarh for Joint Replacement Treatment?

Joint replacement surgery can be a life-changing decision, and choosing the right location for this procedure is crucial. Chandigarh, known for its advanced medical facilities and expert healthcare professionals, stands out as an ideal destination for joint replacement treatments. Among the leading hospitals, Healing Hospital Chandigarh has garnered a stellar reputation for its top-notch facilities and exceptional patient care. In this blog, we delve into why you should choose Chandigarh, specifically Healing Hospital Chandigarh, for

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best hip replacement surgeon in Chandigarh
Orthopedics & Joint Replacement

Empowering Movement: Expert Hip Replacement in Chandigarh

In the realm of orthopedic care, few procedures hold as much significance as hip replacement surgery. This life-altering operation not only alleviates debilitating pain but also restores mobility and independence, empowering individuals to reclaim their freedom of movement and embrace an active, fulfilling lifestyle. In the vibrant city of Chandigarh, a beacon of medical excellence shines brightly, where skilled surgeons, renowned as the best hip replacement surgeon in Chandigarh, are redefining the boundaries of this

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Nephrology & Dialysis

best nephrologist in Chandigarh
Medical Articles

Choosing Best Nephrologist in Chandigarh to Keep Well Kidney Function

A nephrologist can help you keep your kidneys healthy and well-functioning for as long as possible. If you have a kidney disorder, a nephrologist can help you get the best treatment and assist in making important decisions about your health. Contents:1.Get referrals2.Location3.Prioritise your comfort4.Research about the quality of the hospital5.Check availability of full-time nephrologists6.Choose a nephrologist according to your insurance plan7.Read patient reviews How can you choose the best nephrologist in Chandigarh to keep well kidney function? Here are

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dialysis centre in Chandigarh
Nephrology & Dialysis

Is Dialysis Your Best Option?

The function of kidneys is to filter the blood by removing waste and excess fluid from the body. This waste is sent to the bladder to be eliminated through urine. Dialysis replaces the role of the kidneys when they are no longer functional. Dialysis is a procedure that uses a machine to process and purify the blood. When your kidneys do not function at the optimum level, dialysis helps in keeping your fluids and electrolytes in check.

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Kidney Dialysis in Chandigarh

Kidney Dialysis – Risks, Benefits, Preparation, Expectation & Duration -Dialysis Cost in Chandigarh, Mohali & Panchkula

Kidneys play a crucial role in the elimination of waste products and excess fluid from the body. If your kidneys are not working properly then it won’t help your body to remove extra amount of water, salt and waste material which could result in many health problems.  Kidneys also play a major role in controlling blood pressure and regulating important chemicals such as potassium and sodium. When your kidney is unable to do these functions

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Nutrition & Dietetics

best kidney doctor in Chandigarh
Medical Articles

Healthy Eating For Kidney Patients – Kidney Doctor in Chandigarh

Kidney disease is a very common problem that is faced by a lot of people around the world. Kidneys are small organs that perform a variety of important functions like filtering waste materials, releasing hormones that control blood pressure, regulating fluids in the body, producing urine, etc.  Damage to these vital organs can occur in a variety of ways. Therefore, it is important to keep track of what you consume if you have chronic kidney disease. The

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Medical Articles

7 things to avoid for healthy kidneys

Lakhs of people in India are diagnosed with kidney diseases every year! It is more common now than it was decades ago and we have but one reason to blame all of this to- The Modern Lifestyle.  Everyone today is at the risk of having kidney diseases because of some common habits and their way of living. But this is not a gone case. You can do the following 7 things to prevent your kidneys

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Physical Fitness For People With Chronic Kidney Disease: 15 TIPS

Every body part, from the smallest vein to the very complex human brain performs pivotal roles in keeping our lives functional. Kidneys, an organ that is responsible and is mainly known for removing waste products and excess fluids from our body would elude our attention as its functioning is latent. However, a malfunction may lead to a Chronic Kidney Disease which means lasting damage to the kidney which can last over time. In spite of

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General & Laparoscopic/ Minimal Access Surgery

Laparoscopic hospital in Chandigarh
General & Laparoscopic/ Minimal Access Surgery

Low Cost Laparoscopy Surgery in Chandigarh

Laparoscopy surgery is a procedure that majorly examines the organs inside the abdomen but also treats other organs of the human body. It is a low-risk, minimally invasive technique which involves only a few minor cuts in the surgery. The name laparoscopy surgery is derived from the instrument used in this procedure which is called the laparoscope.   A laparoscope is small telescope-like equipment which has a tiny video camera and a light on one end. When a surgeon inserts it

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Healing Hospital Chandigarh Best Hernia Surgery Hospital in Chandigarh
General & Laparoscopic/ Minimal Access Surgery

Best Hernia Surgery Hospital in Chandigarh

A hernia develops when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle or tissue that secures it in its place. Hernias most commonly develop between the chest and hips, however, they can also occur in the upper thigh and groin. Although most hernias are not dangerous, they need the right treatment. Some may require surgery in order to avoid serious complications.   So if you are looking for the best hernia surgery in Chandigarh, then you

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Laparoscopic surgery in chandigarh
General & Laparoscopic/ Minimal Access Surgery

Laparoscopic Surgery – What is it?

Laparoscopic surgery is a form of minimally invasive surgery in which small incisions are used instead of the big incisions as in an open surgery. This surgical procedure uses a long thin camera known as a laparoscope to diagnose and treat a variety of illnesses and disorders of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. A laparoscope sends images from inside of your body to a monitor where the surgeon can see them. Laparoscopic surgery is generally used when non-invasive techniques and

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Critical Care / Emergency & Trauma

Black Fungus Treatment in chandigarh
Critical Care / Emergency & Trauma

Black Fungus, White Fungus, Yellow Fungus: Symptoms and Prevention

In the recent past, India has reported many Black Fungus or Mucormycosis cases, particularly among COVID-19 patients. The Health Ministry even labelled Black Fungus as an epidemic. Subsequently, white fungus and yellow fungus infection cases also began to emerge even before healthcare professionals could devise a complete plan of action for dealing with black fungus cases. Let us understand what black, white and yellow funguses are and how to prevent and treat them. What is Black Fungus? Mucormycosis is another name

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Covid-19 safe hospital in Chandigarh
Critical Care / Emergency & Trauma

Is it safe to go to hospital during covid time for general checkup in Chandigarh

Should you go to the hospital if you have a medical problem that isn’t caused by the coronavirus? Given that the pandemic is still ongoing, with cases reported from all around the country, this is a genuine concern. However, in the present scenario, a growing number of hospitals have begun to welcome non-covid patients with all safety measures and covid protocols.  While these activities are gradually returning to normalcy, it is natural to be concerned about whether it

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The Covid-19 Vaccines for Kids
Critical Care / Emergency & Trauma

Is COVID-19 Vaccine Safe for Pregnant Ladies

Pregnancy is an immunocompromised state. This means that pregnant women are at a higher risk of severe illness in comparison with others. During pregnancy, immunity gets reduced so a pregnant woman is prone to catch a bacterial, viral or any other kind of infection. So, she is also prone to catching the COVID-19 infection.  Contents:Symptoms of COVID-19 in PregnancyIs COVID-19 Vaccine Safe for Pregnant Ladies?How does COVID-19 Vaccine affect Pregnant Ladies?Should You Get Vaccinated? Symptoms of

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Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Endoscopy

What Are Signs Of Gastrointestinal Problems
Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Endoscopy

What Are Signs Of Gastrointestinal Problems?

Gastrointestinal problems are one of the most common health issues prevalent nowadays. However, most of the gastrointestinal diseases are easily preventable and can be treated well if detected at the right time.    There are certain signs or symptoms of gastrointestinal problems that you should not ignore. These are:   Inflammation in the abdomen region: You are likely to have a swollen belly if you have abnormal tissue growth or an infection in your intestines.

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Neurology And Neurosurgery

spine specialists in Chandigarh
Neurology and Neurosurgery

Understanding Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS): Benefits and Risks

In the realm of medical advancements, one revolutionary procedure that has gained significant traction in recent years is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS). This groundbreaking technique allows spine specialists in Chandigarh and other regions to address various spine-related conditions with reduced tissue damage, shorter recovery time, and potentially fewer complications. In this blog, we delve deep into the world of MISS, shedding light on its numerous benefits and potential risks. By discussing this cutting-edge surgical

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healiing image neuro 1 BEST HOSPITAL IN CHANDIGARH
Medical Articles

What are the Common Neurological Emergencies?

Neurological emergencies affect the nervous system of the body including the brain, spinal cord and all the associated nerves. Prompt recognition of neurological emergencies is a must for getting timely treatment, avoiding minimal damage to the nervous system and reducing readmission of patients in the hospital. Some of the common neurological emergencies show symptoms such as difficulties in thinking, unstable emotions, and respiratory paralysis due to a serious injury or severe illness.   Some of

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Healing Hospital Chandigarh
Neurology and Neurosurgery

Chronic Kidney Disease

The main function of kidneys is to filter waste and extra fluids from the body which are then expelled out in the form of stools or urine. Chronic kidney disease or chronic kidney failure occurs when kidneys gradually lose their functioning capacity.    In advanced stages, chronic kidney disease can lead to excessive build-up of waste material in your body that can be eventually life-threatening. Most of the time, chronic kidney disease does not cause

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Internal Medicine


Reasons to Visit an ENT Doctor (Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist) in Chandigarh

An ENT doctor specialises in the diseases of ear, nose and throat and treats problems like tonsillitis, ear discharge, hearing problems etc. In Chandigarh, people generally visit the regular doctors to get the treatment of their ailments related with ear, nose and throat. Sometimes, the inadequacy of routine treatments can lead to serious repercussions if the ailments of ear, nose and throat are ignored for long. First of all, we will come to know how

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Internal Medicine

Few Things to keep in Mind during Climate Changes in Winter

It is December and yet the weather is playing hide and seek. The climate in the northern region is now cold and there have been some rain showers recently. In recent weeks, climate change has a very profound effect on everyone’s health and daily life. Sudden climate change has led to an increase in complaints about respiratory illnesses and viral infections. The fluctuating temperature makes it ideal for the spread of viruses. There are many

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Internal Medicine

Top Health & Wellness tips for winter

Do you get sick at the start of the winter season or have trouble getting out of bed when it’s cold outside? If so, then let us tell you that you are not the only one feeling this! Winter has long been associated with illness. Seasonal changes are accompanied by several bacterial infections, which is why the necessary measures must be taken to protect your health. Even if you want to relax and enjoy the

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Urinary Tract & Reproductive System


All You Need To Know About PCOD: 7 FAQS

1. What is PCOD? PCOD, or Polycystic Ovary Disorder is a disease that affects around 5-10% of women each year and is primarily caused by hormonal imbalance in their reproductive system. While the cause of this particular disease is not well understood, it may be relegated a host of hereditary and environmental factors. However, this deserves particular attention as it may cause problems with menstrual periods and make it difficult for the concerned woman to

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Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery



Urologist in Chandigarh

Chandigarh Urologist Specialists: Quality Care Guaranteed

When it comes to urological care, choosing the Urologist in Chandigarh is crucial for ensuring the best possible outcomes. In Chandigarh, the Healing Hospital stands out as a beacon of excellence in medical care, particularly in the field of urology. This blog post highlights why Healing Hospital is the preferred choice for urological care and showcases the expertise of Dr. Karun Singla, one of its renowned urologists. Why Healing Hospital in Chandigarh? Healing Hospital in

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Urologist in Chandigarh

Urological Excellence: Recognizing Chandigarh’s Premier Specialists at Healing Hospital

At Healing Hospital, Chandigarh, we understand the importance of urological health for both men and women. Our Urologist in Chandigarh is dedicated to providing comprehensive, compassionate, and cutting-edge care for a wide range of urological conditions. Why Choose Healing Hospital for Your Urological Needs? Highly Skilled and Experienced Team: Our urology department is comprised of a team of highly qualified and experienced specialists. These specialists stay abreast of the latest advancements in urological diagnosis and

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Gallbladder stone Treatment In Chandigarh

Living Stone-Free: Exploring Gallbladder Stone Treatment Solutions in Chandigarh

Gallstones, hardened deposits within the gallbladder, can cause significant discomfort and disrupt your daily life. If you’re facing Gallbladder stone Treatment In Chandigarh, you’re not alone. Fortunately, Healing Hospital offers advanced treatment options to help you live stone-free. Understanding Gallstones Gallstones form when cholesterol or bilirubin levels in bile become imbalanced. These stones can range in size and cause symptoms like: Upper right abdominal pain Nausea and vomiting Indigestion Feeling full after eating small amounts

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Our News

Healing Health Blogs

Healing Multi-Speciality Hospital

Importance of door to needle time

In the treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS), Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) is a common form of treatment. The sooner IVT is started, the better are the chances of a successful outcome…

7 Oct
Healing Multi-Speciality Hospital

Laparoscopic Surgery – What is it?

Laparoscopic surgery is a form of minimally invasive surgery in which small incisions are used instead of the big incisions as in an open surgery.This surgical procedure uses a long thin camera…

20 Oct
Healing Multi-Speciality Hospital

How to Detect Heart Problems?

Heart problems refer to a range of conditions that affect the heart. Heart problems include Coronary artery disease, Arrhythmias, Congenital heart defects, Heart valve disease, etc.

27 Oct
Healing Multi-Speciality Hospital

Causes and Treatment of Knee Pain in Young Adult

Knee pain is a typical complaint among the elderly, but it is also affecting many young adults today. The reason why knee pain is so common is that it is led by a number of unavoidable factors…

15 Nov
Healing Multi-Speciality Hospital

Knee Pain Common in Older Women

Knee pain appears to be a common complaint among middle-aged and elderly women. There are a variety of possible reasons why older women face severe forms of pain and discomfort in the knees.

17 Nov
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