Knee Replacement Surgery Cost in Chandigarh, Mohali Punjab

Knee Replacement Surgery Cost in Chandigarh, Mohali Punjab

If your knee is severely damaged, and it is difficult for you to carry out daily tasks, then knee replacement surgery can prove to be a boon for you.


Injuries and knee arthritis can cause severe damage to the knees. The most prevalent form of knee arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA), which can cause substantial pain and impairment. Weight-bearing can make symptoms worse, and in advanced cases, even ordinary chores might become difficult. Knee replacement surgery can be a great solution if movement and pain levels become too high.


Knee Replacement Surgery is a procedure by which a damaged knee is resurfaced. Also called Knee Arthroplasty, this surgery involves the use of metal and plastic parts to cap the knee and the ends of the bones which form the knee joint.


Know all about Total Knee Replacement cost in Chandigarh here:



1. When Does Knee Replacement Surgery Become Necessary?


2. Knee Replacement Surgery Cost


3. Takeaway

When Does Knee Replacement Surgery Become Necessary?


An orthopaedic surgeon may examine your knee through X-rays or MRI before suggesting knee replacement. They may also review your medical history.


The most common condition that leads to the need for knee replacement surgery is Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is a form of arthritis that causes the cartilage in one or more joints to break down and eventually collapse. Cartilage is a type of protein that acts as a cushion between the bones in the joints.


With over 100 forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis is the most common joint disorder. It is most likely to develop with age.  Apart from that, rheumatoid arthritis and post-traumatic arthritis are also leading factors of severe knee damage.


Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis that affects the joints. Here the synovial membrane that covers the joint becomes inflamed and thickened. The cartilage can be damaged by chronic inflammation, which can lead to cartilage deterioration, discomfort, and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most common type of inflammatory arthritis group of diseases.


Post-traumatic arthritis is a form of arthritis which is caused by a traumatic event. This can happen as a result of a serious knee injury. Fractures of the bones surrounding the knee as well as wear and tear in the knee ligaments can weaken the articular cartilage over time, causing pain and restricting function.


Other forms of arthritis and injuries may also lead to erosion of the knee joint. Fractures, torn cartilage, and torn ligaments may lead to irreversible damage to the knee joint and so may require knee replacement surgery as a necessary measure.

Also Read:

Knee Replacement Surgery Cost


The cost of a knee replacement surgery varies depending on your current health and the hospital you get it from. Other medical concerns that aren’t related to your knees may also have an impact on the treatment and cost of your surgery.


Get the best Total Knee Replacement cost in Chandigarh here:


It should be kept in mind that your total cost for knee replacement surgery will also include your stay in the hospital, physical therapy, treatment at home during your recovery, appointments for follow-up and care, etc.


You’ll also have to figure out how much your insurance will cover and how much you’ll have to pay out of pocket.



Your doctor may do some tests to determine whether you require knee replacement surgery.  A knee replacement surgery decreases pain and improves mobility in most cases. Make sure to gather as much information as possible and ask all your questions about the benefits and drawbacks of the surgery before undergoing it.



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