Pregnancy and Newborn

maternity hospital in Chandigarh

Important Nutrients Which Are Required During 1st Trimester of Pregnancy

It is always important to eat a well-balanced diet, but it’s especially important when you’re bringing a new life into the world. The food that you eat is your baby’s primary source of nutrients.  As a result, it is important to increase the consumption of nutrients such as iron, calcium, folic acid, vitamin D and protein in your diet when you are pregnant. In the first trimester of pregnancy, your body undergoes a surge of hormones,

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best gynaecologist in Chandigarh

Pregnancy in the Time of a Pandemic

Pregnancy is a stressful time for every woman. However, women expecting good news are concerned now more than ever about the possibility of getting infected in their pregnancy due to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. This is keeping expecting mothers anxious with many questions regarding the possibility of the virus impacting them or their unborn child. Many people are unsure if they should conceive during the time of the pandemic, scared of what the future holds for the world. However,

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best orthopedic doctor in Chandigarh

Common Orthopedic Conditions a Pregnant Woman Must be Aware of

While pregnancy changes a woman’s body to a large extent, it also adds a lot of stress on her bones. So, it is not just a gynecologist that you may need to consult while in pregnancy, but you may also need an orthopedic doctor. Contents: Lower Back PainPlantar FasciitisCarpal Tunnel SyndromeMeralgia ParestheticaTransient Osteoporosis of the HipOsteitis Pubis Following are some of the common orthopedic conditions that affect pregnant women: Lower Back Pain Lower back pain is

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high risk Pregnancy Hospital in Chandigarh

Risk Factors for Complications During Pregnancy

Every pregnancy comes with certain risks, but some factors can increase the risk of complications during pregnancy. However, with proper prenatal care and aid from a high risk Pregnancy Hospital in Chandigarh, these risks can be minimised to a great extent.  Following are some risk factors for complications during pregnancy: Age: Women under the age of 20 and over the age of 35 are at an increased risk of complications during pregnancy.  Women under the

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What Are The Common Complications During Pregnancy?

Most pregnancies are without complications but some women may encounter health problems during pregnancy. These complications may risk the health of the foetus, the mother, or both.  This is the very reason why prenatal care is always recommended by gynaecologists everywhere so that a problem (if any) can be diagnosed at an early stage and necessary measures can be taken to reduce the risks of complications in pregnancy. Contents: High Blood PressureAnaemiaGestational DiabetesPreeclampsiaInfectionsPreterm LabourMiscarriageStillbirthPlacenta Previa

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Healing Health Blogs

Healing Multi-Speciality Hospital

Importance of door to needle time

In the treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke (AIS), Intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) is a common form of treatment. The sooner IVT is started, the better are the chances of a successful outcome…

7 Oct
Healing Multi-Speciality Hospital

Laparoscopic Surgery – What is it?

Laparoscopic surgery is a form of minimally invasive surgery in which small incisions are used instead of the big incisions as in an open surgery.This surgical procedure uses a long thin camera…

20 Oct
Healing Multi-Speciality Hospital

How to Detect Heart Problems?

Heart problems refer to a range of conditions that affect the heart. Heart problems include Coronary artery disease, Arrhythmias, Congenital heart defects, Heart valve disease, etc.

27 Oct
Healing Multi-Speciality Hospital

Causes and Treatment of Knee Pain in Young Adult

Knee pain is a typical complaint among the elderly, but it is also affecting many young adults today. The reason why knee pain is so common is that it is led by a number of unavoidable factors…

15 Nov
Healing Multi-Speciality Hospital

Knee Pain Common in Older Women

Knee pain appears to be a common complaint among middle-aged and elderly women. There are a variety of possible reasons why older women face severe forms of pain and discomfort in the knees.

17 Nov
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