Whether you’ve been trying for a while, or you haven’t even started to think about it, a positive test for pregnancy is sure to bring a stream of overpowering emotions and surprise. We are here to tell you that there’s nothing to worry about and it happens to everyone! Now before we begin to understand what to do next, take a few deep breaths, acknowledge that it’s okay and that there is a solution to everything. Bearing this in mind, here’s a list of steps that you need to follow after finding out about this news (we’ll let you decide if it’s good or not!)
- Understand that this is not the only option!
- Confirm your results
- Decide who needs to know about the news
- Educate yourself
- Start taking prenatal vitamins
- Smoking and Drinking – A big no no!
- Stay active
- Final word
Understand that this is not the only option!
You might have been tested positive for pregnancy but that does not mean it is the end of the world! You have the option to happily continue the pregnancy; terminate it if you do not want it at this stage of your life; or consider adoption if your body does not permit it. Allow the experts to help you through this process and guide you on what’s best for you. It is important that you take an informed decision without panicking. So it is advised that you discuss your feelings with an expert or your partner. Therefore, the very first step that you should take is to make a quick search about the best gynecologists and experts in your area. To know about some of the best gynecologists in Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali.
Confirm your Results
Pregnancy test kits may not always be accurate. Therefore it is important that you confirm your results at the very initial stage to avoid any sort of disappointment. To get some information about the best gynecologists in Mohali, visit: https://healinghospital.co.in/gynecology/
You may even use apps such as Practo to book appointments or for online consultation. During the consultation, discuss everything from your symptoms to how you feel about the pregnancy with the gynecologist to make your final decision about how you want to proceed further.
Decide who needs to know about the news

If you decide to continue the pregnancy, it is time to spread the joy by sharing the news! At some point of time everyone will get to know because of your visible baby bump, but at an initial stage women generally prefer to tell only the partner and family about the pregnancy. You may also consider telling your boss or some of the colleagues to avoid any clash at work when you need to take an unplanned leave or arrive late at work.
Educate yourself
While you enjoy your pregnancy, it is advised that you learn as much about it as possible. Read pregnancy books, join a class or read online. Be sure to read from a reliable source as any wrong advises can affect you and your baby adversely. Consult your doctor in case of even the slightest doubt. Prepare a list of expenses that you look forward to during your pregnancy including the delivery charges. Normal Delivery Charges in Chandigarh tricity range from 20000 (normal clinics) to 60-80,000 (Big Hospitals). We at Healing Hospital, provide a birthing package at just Rs 27000 along with free value added services. With great reviews and a budgeted package, we are counted among one of the best mother and child care hospital in Chandigarh– https://healinghospital.co.in/mother-and-child-care-hospital-in-chandigarh/
Start taking Prenatal Vitamins
Prenatal Vitamins contain specific vitamins and minerals that are crucial for you and your baby. Pregnant women require these nutrients in larger amounts for their well-being and baby’s development. Consult your gynecologist about which prenatal vitamins you should take and which will suit you best.
Smoking and Drinking – A big no no!
Well this goes without saying but we’ll remind you still! Smoking and drinking can cause serious complications in your pregnancy and harm your unborn child. It can cause issues such as miscarriages, premature birth, birth defects, etc. If you were smoking or drinking before you got the good news, it is advised that you tell gynecologist about it and absolutely quit. As far as caffeine is concerned, it is advised to not intake more than 200 mg of caffeine in a day or as prescribed by your gynecologist.
Stay Active
While you’d have to consult your gynecologist before indulging in any sort of exercises, it is usually advised that you stay active throughout your pregnancy. An active schedule and mild exercise helps your sleep cycle and eases pains and cramps.
Final Word
The initial weeks of pregnancy may be full of mixed emotions. You may cry at absolutely nothing but just understand that this is all a part of the beautiful miracle of child birth. Enjoy your pregnancy and be very careful about what you should eat and what you should not. Stay hydrated, active and most of all happy.