Any obstruction in the blood flow to a certain part of your brain causes a stroke. The blood supply can be cut off due to a clot and this is known as an ischemic stroke. On the other hand, certain strokes are caused due to bleeding in the brain and these are known as hemorrhagic strokes.
Although genetics and old age have an important part to play, it is important to control certain associated risk factors to prevent the occurrence of strokes. Following is a list of steps that you can take to reduce the risk of stroke:
- Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity, along with high blood pressure and diabetes can increase your chances of having a stroke. In case you are overweight, try to reach your ideal body weight by consulting your doctor regarding the realistic weight-loss strategies you can apply. For instance, the amount of food to eat and level of activity to be maintained etc.
- Consume alcohol in moderation: Drinking too much alcohol can increase your risk of having a stroke manifold. It is best to stop alcohol consumption completely, but if you do drink, it is advisable to do it responsibly. Always watch your portion size as this will keep things under check.
- Control your blood pressure: High blood pressure is a major factor that can raise your stroke risk up to four times. It is best to consult your doctor and get your blood pressure monitored. If it is higher than normal, get appropriate treatment to keep your vascular health at optimum levels.
- Exercise regularly: Being fit involves exercising on a daily basis as it not only helps to lose weight and lower blood pressure but also reduces the probability of a stroke. A minimum of 30 minutes of exercise daily is a pre-requisite to decrease the chances of getting a stroke.
- Stop smoking completely: Smoking causes the blood to thicken and causes a spike in the plaque formation in arteries. This directly increases the chances of clot formation and eventually stroke. Therefore, it is imperative to quit smoking and beat the habit to reduce the risk of stroke significantly. Get advice from your doctor on safe methods to get rid of this habit.
- Control your blood sugar: Over a period of time, blood vessels can get damaged due to untreated diabetes. Keep your blood sugar under control and monitor it regularly as advised by your doctor. Diet, medication as well as exercise are key factors that contribute towards healthy sugar levels.
- Get treatment for atrial fibrillation: In case you have atrial fibrillation, take it seriously and get the earliest treatment possible. Atrial fibrillation is basically a form of irregular heartbeat that leads to formation of clots in the heart. These clots can reach the brain, thereby causing a stroke. Keep a check on symptoms such as shortness of breath or heart palpitations and get in touch with your cardiologist immediately.
Healing Hospital, Chandigarh has the best team of heart and stroke specialists who can provide you the best health advice and treatment options.
0172-5088883, +91 9464343434