Piles, which is also known as Haemorrhoids, is a common condition among thousands of people around the world. Piles are generally caused due to rectal tissue and blood vessels as well as excessive pressure to the abdominal.
This pressure can cause the swelling in blood vessels and rectal blood vessels and they can bunch together. It is also quite common that people might not realize that they are suffering from piles.
In some cases, Piles can be extremely painful as it further causes oozing of blood and itchiness in anal area. Things can become very difficult for people to carry on with their regular routine life while struggling with piles.
It is observed that the conventional surgery is not considered a safe option as that can increase the degree of pain rather than providing any help.
There are two types of piles that people can experience and these are- internal piles and external piles.
External piles occur on the exterior part of anus where internal piles occur in the anal canal or inner rectal. Piles can be cured using different methods but laser piles treatment is the best alternative for such condition. It is the best option for people who are suffering acutely and their pain is increasing with each passing day.

1. Minimum pain – The surgeries of any type is associated with pain but laser piles treatment is utterly easy and painless method as compared with other options. It is seen that most of the people don’t even experience any sort of pain while laser pile surgery is performed. You can seek our experienced and qualified piles doctors at https://healinghospital.co.in/piles-symptoms-causes-and-treatment-by-specialist-in-chandigarh/
2. Safer option – If you compare the complicated procedures done in conventional methods to remove piles with laser piles treatment then you will find it much safer and effective treatment option. There is no use of any steam, smoke or sparks in this treatment process and that makes it a much safer option.
3. Very minimal bleeding – The chances of bleeding and blood loss is almost negligible in the laser piles treatments. Hence, you can surely negate the fear of blood loss and infection during or after the treatment. Laser piles treatment helps in reducing amount of blood flow by sealing the blood tissues and vessels during surgery. Also it doesn’t harm any tissues around the pile area in any way. Clearly, laser piles treatment has an edge over any other piles treatment option.
4. Rapid treatment – Laser piles treatment can be your desirable option as duration of such treatment is very low. The laser piles surgery may take half an hour to an hour depending on the condition of parents. It is much less time as compared with the alternative methods for piles treatment. Definitely, it is very flexible option for those who want to resume their normal routine soon after the piles treatment.
5. Quick discharge option – People don’t want to waste their time in hospital stay after surgery is done and here, piles laser surgery is your choice. You can in fact leave the hospital same day after laser surgery.
6. Rapid healing – Laser Piles treatment is an incredible option as it starts healing process from the moment it is undertaken. All the muscle tissues are sealed during the surgery and that helps in reducing the recovery time, significantly. Hence, the recovery time is much less as compared with other piles removal options.
7. Very simple procedure – Performing laser surgery is much easier as compared with the regular surgery because surgeon has great control over the entire process. Surgeon doesn’t have to do much manually as the surgery is performed with high-end equipments. Obviously, when the surgeon work is easier then the success rate is quite high!
Our Hospital offers best laser piles treatment (पाइल्स / बवासीर का इलाज) that is safest and most effective option to treat piles. The surgery is performed by expert practitioners who have years of experience behind their back.
We focus on providing reliable and effective medical services with affordable charges. Also, we have fully embraced scrupulous infection control practices to ensure the safety of our patients.
Our highly qualified team of doctors and nurses, along with Patient Welfare Officer’s team works tirelessly towards creating perfect environment for our patients to heal and recover. You can contact us for laser piles treatment at https://healinghospital.co.in/piles-symptoms-causes-and-treatment-by-specialist-in-chandigarh/

1. Expensive Equipment – The equipment that is required for performing laser piles surgery is very expensive and that is why many hospitals don’t have such facility. That is why finding a best, affordable and reliable piles hospital for laser surgery is not at all easy.
2. Equipment catching fire – It is rare but on few occasions during piles laser surgery, equipment caught fire due to manufacturing defects or other reasons. If surgeon is not experienced and unable to effectively handle equipment of piles laser surgery then also, it causes problems. So ensure that you have opted for perfect hospital that has experienced surgeon those can handle laser equipments, effectively and easily.
At Healing Hospital, our highly trained doctors and high end equipment makes us an ideal piles hospital in and around Chandigarh. You can thoroughly trust us for getting best treatment. Book an appointment with us at https://healinghospital.co.in/piles-symptoms-causes-and-treatment-by-specialist-in-chandigarh/