Normal Delivery is a natural process where a woman gives birth to the baby through vagina with minimal medical help. Mostly, healthy mothers opt for normal delivery.
Normal Vaginal Delivery is considered as the best option for baby delivery as mother and child only have to stay in hospital for 24 hours to 36 hours after delivery which is a very short time period as compared with caesarean delivery.
What is C-section childbirth?

C-section, also known as caesarean delivery, is a process where the baby is removed from the mother’s body by incision in the uterus and abdomen. The size of the incision depends on the patient and her current medical situations.
It is a preferred method when natural delivery is not possible or there is a life threatening situation for mother or child or both. If you have opted for C-section then you have to stay in hospital for 72 hours or more; depending on your recovery.
Here are benefits of opting for normal delivery or Caesarean delivery–
- It is natural process and won’t have chance of injuries to bowels or bladder
- Minimal chances of blood clots that could become fatal, if they are complicated and untreated
- Very safe option for mothers
- Minimal chances of complications and infections
- Very short hospital stay as compared with C-section
- Quick recovery
- No post birth complications and scarring
- You can resume your normal routine shortly after giving birth
Due to all these reasons, all the women want to opt for normal delivery over C-section. It is a completely safe option when there are no medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes etc. that could lead to complications during baby delivery.
You can read more about the risk and benefits of normal and caesarean delivery by clicking at
Here are some tips that can ensure Normal delivery:

1. Education classes for childbirth: Awareness is the most important factor that could help you in giving childbirth naturally and normally. In medical studies, it is proven that people who opt for childbirth education classes have 50% more chances of having normal childbirth than others. Read more pregnancy tips here
2. Healthy and nutritious diet is a must: It is the foremost requirement that you should have a healthy and balanced nutrition diet to give natural childbirth. It is also important as you have to eat for your baby as well. You should keep in mind that only a strong body can face the challenge of natural delivery with confidence. Read in detail about the diet during pregnancy by clicking at
3. Normal delivery is your choice: There are many situations where doctors think that women want to go for C-section to avoid pain and this happens due to lack of information sharing.
You should convey your choice to the doctor so they should consider normal delivery for your childbirth plan. At Healing Hospital we have experienced doctors and a well-qualified team of gynaecologists who will help you in planning a normal and natural delivery. To book appointment click here
4. Choose a doctor who is on the same page as you: You can avoid many troubles easily by opting for a doctor that gives first preference to normal and natural childbirth. It is best to search for the right gynaecologist as well as maternity hospitals that prefer and promote natural baby delivery.
You can read our post on how to choose best maternity hospital in Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula by clicking at
5. Be careful of false alarms: You may have many false alarms of delivery and that is very common among women during pregnancy. You should consult your doctor for hospital stay. If your doctor recommends then only you should opt for it.
6. Regular exercise is must for preparing your body: There are many exercises especially designed for pregnant women. Exercises are not only good for removing toxins and harmful elements from the body but they also give your body stamina that is must for normal delivery.
In addition to this; it also helps in increasing flexibility and strengthening the pelvic floor for normal delivery. You can bear the pain of normal delivery easily, if you opt for a good exercise routine. Read more about how you can maintain healthy weight during pregnancy here
7. Avoid negative stories of childbirths: When you are pregnant then everybody wants to share their stories and experiences with you. You should make sure that you are not giving any opportunity to people with negative stories about childbirth as that will bring fear to your mind.
Such situations will increase your anxiety and you may opt for C-section instead of normal delivery.
8. Let the baby decide the due date: Generally, the due date is calculated from your last periods which may not be exact for many women. If you are depending on your ultrasounds for the due date then you should know it is also variable.
It is common to get a due date prior by week or in some cases more. Therefore, you should let the labour pain strike before visiting the hospital for delivery. In case you are still doubtful about when to visit hospital for baby delivery then it is best to seek doctor’s advice.
9. Take sound sleep in night and naps in daytime: You should focus on having a good night sleep as that will help you in maintaining calmness in your mind. If you feel that night sleep is not enough then you can also opt for naps during the day as well. It will also reduce your stress and anxieties pertaining to childbirth.
10. Emotional support system is must for you: There is no denying that having a great emotional support system helps a lot in getting rid of stress that is common during pregnancy. You should discuss your choice of delivery with your partner. You should also share your thoughts with your loved ones to reach consensus.
11. Choosing the right doctor is very crucial: It is true that the majority of doctors advise mothers to opt for C-Section as that is convenient and profitable for hospitals. That is why you should opt for doctors who consider normal delivery as the first choice.
We at Healing Hospital have a team of pregnancy specialist doctors and gynaecologists. We constantly promote and encourage natural childbirth and motivate mothers to keep themselves motivated during the time of labor pain as well. To know more about our maternity services, click here
12.Perineal massage: This massage will help you in increasing chances of normal delivery, if you do it regularly. It is done by hooking your thumb inside vagina gently and then pulling the lower part forward and outward.
13. Position of your baby: If your baby is not in the position (cephalic) that is considered best for normal delivery then there is a way to change it. For that, you need to kneel on the floor regularly over a birthing ball or using a chair.
Don’t lie on your back and keep your knees lower than your bottom. This position will help babies to turn in the correct position for normal delivery.
14. Don’t become overweight: It is completely natural to gain weight during pregnancy but you should stay active and avoid gaining extra weight.
You should avoid junk and do a lot of exercises regularly. If you are obese then doctors don’t generally opt for normal delivery as monitoring baby becomes very difficult in such situation.
15. Learn to Breathe in the right way: If you breathe properly then you can get rid of tension in your muscles and your cervix will easily dilate. Breathe slowly and deeply with every contraction during labour or pain. This is certainly the key to reduce pain as well as concentrate your energies in giving birth naturally.
You need to keep in mind that the delivery procedure should give top priority to the mother’s as well as the baby’s health. It is not advisable to jump quickly onto decisions that might lead to greater problems and complications. These tips are helpful to make you more ready for the normal delivery without complications and risks.
We at Healing Hospital have a dedicated and highly experienced staff of gynaecologists, pregnancy specialist doctors with a motive of encouraging natural and normal delivery.
We offer a single priced affordable baby delivery package as well as advanced medical and maternity services to expecting mothers. Moreover, our state-of-the-art infrastructure, medical lab and Level III NICU is well equipped to handle all types of complications as well.
With us, you can ensure that you and your baby are always in the most caring and responsible hands. To know more about us, click at